He who holds in Thrall

"Hear me and attend, Repatriator-of-souls. I was Mardukth, I am the city of Zen-Mu. My corpse is a mausoleum of a million souls, my dreams the nightmares of muiltitudes. I see you, just on the other side of the gate. Tentalizingly close, close enough to touch.
Aiie aie, no... pain! Suffering!
Cessation of life, of power!
Thrice-a myriad curses on those Solar exalts!
A million poxes on those Lunar chosen!
Gaia and her brats, under the deathfire of Zen-Mu's artifice-force, a thousand shrikes on them all!
Repatriator, once Jorossh Maldi, son of Wanasee Maldi and Hatid Maldi, brother of Yurumi Maldi, Akodo Maldi, and Walted Maldi, Kneel!" The voice rose to a crescendo, the sound loud enough to split Repatriator's skull, but coming from within. Repatriator couldn't keep to his feet, and fell on his skeletal knees, his bow arm falling open, the weapon reassembling itself from the power of the word. "Kneel and stay silent, hear my plans, my grand design for you! I am He-who-holds-in-thrall, I do not count your mistress, The Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears as one of mine, however, although she cannot gainsay my hold over you either, especially this close, this close, to the gate! The powerful, wonderful gate!
  You are a distractible mortal. Pay attention! You are my eye in The Listening City, my eye on The lover, my eye in Palanquin... My agent... My rewards will be great..."


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