One-man caravan

"They call him the one-man caravan."
What most people know about him.
"He has rules."
What people who know slightly more would add.

The rules of One-man caravan.

-The deal cannot be changed after it's been accepted
  • Never look under the tarp
  • What can be put under the tarp can be anything under heaven, but not something from a Shadowland, nor from Malfeas nor The Wyld
  • No questions
  • — The rules of One-man caravan, a tawdry publication from heaven's least reputable publishing house.

    Many uniformed citizens consider One-man caravan to be a Guild Agent, others think he's from the The timeless order of manacle and coin who somehow managed to get out of some shadowland. What he is, is a member of the Special Convention. Called The Special Convention on Definite Articles by Jupiter once, as a joke to Mars. Within the maidens, the name has stuck. The incarnae's codenames are all in the format, and most of the operatives have such superlative-implied names, as well.

    The selection process also lends itself to such a name. Oh, we will need someone from Mercury, and this one from Venus, etc, etc. Over time, obscured by their roles.

  • We'll need a caravan to transport this.

  • Evolved into:

  • We'll need a Ine-man caravan for this.
  • Often, those with the necessary criminal access will just leave a note on his Yeddim wagon's bench, and put their things under the tarp, confident they will not even be looked at, until it arrives at destination.   That is all part of a long con though, the Sidereal who was once known as One-man caravan eschews publicity. One of Mercury's representative at The Special Convention, he once, and only once, mused that this convention was the only one where Sidereals never even met each other. The magnitude of his error was explained to him. It was explained that his error was monumental. But... he was not wrong by much. All part of the web of lies and disinformation protecting the convention.   Similarly, those who believe him a simple Yeddim driver, such as there are dozens in every caravan in Nexus, would find themselves surprised, once he unleashes his Custom Warforged Airship consecrated to Mercury.   Black Cumulo-Nimbus is a wondrous vehicle, indeed, with a frame made of Starmetal, with an exterior made of a adamant, but looks like simple, humble wood, and the seats made of the skin of Simhata who had been trammeled using Gnomon, after it was dipped into the juice of peaches of immortality, and that is just its disguise, the fabrication of what constitutes the Yeddim wagon, when in Airship form, it is even more impressive, composed of Starmetal and Soulsteel braided into bicolor chain 'links' covering the sides of the ship from projectiles or spells. Any sheltered by those links is considered protected by soak 15 armor for any decisive attacks.   Why such a disguise you ask? So glad you asked, it's not to make it more believable, per se, it's to make it more impenetrable to magical scrutiny, and to make that non detection permanent. It creaks like wood while disguised, and the seat leather is as old and creaky as any other. Until the Driver presses the button. Hidden in the wood's grain as a simple wooden 'eye', it attracts no attention, and only the most powerful scrying magic, such as Eyes of the Unconquered Sun could reveal it, or the wagon, for anything but a humble workman's tool.  
      Jamon Stamen was his cover identity this season, just a boring meatwagon operator, carrying salted meat from a slaughterhouse on the Blessed Isle to Nexus, selling the exotic-sounding meat for exorbitant prices. No one looked, or smelled, at him twice. He was walking back to the wagon. He thought to himself: There's a traveler's soup left on my seat? Oh, it's the new set of codes, that means someone left something in the wagon, this time. Still having trouble with the new code, the old code of leaving the origami bird was too obvious though.  
    Go to nexus, bring package, do not let it get inspected by the Nexus mercenaries, earn ten silver talents, in jade.
    — Handwritten parchment delivery instructions left under the seat.
      Jamon whistled, two talents of jade was quite a sum, whoever wanted this done wanted it quite bad. And most things were not inspected by officials in Nexus, for the note to specify 'uninspected' it meant the material, whatever it was, was under interdiction of some kind by the Civilities, what passed for law in Nexus. Most enforcement was far more informal, in Jamon's experience, once you got there. He hadn't been to the city yet, on this trip, so no reason to delay.   He made Mercury's sign with his fingers, against the weather, making it, and him, pass more quickly. The current beautiful sunlight, balmy heat and lack of cloud cover being quite inconvenient indeed.

    Physical Description

    General Physical Condition

    Fit, ropey compact build, swimmer/runner.
    Current Location
    Currently Boarded Vehicle
    Other Ethnicities/Cultures


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