The timeless order of manacle and coin

Somewhere in Nexus' bastion district, in 768RR.

"That's an actual gold coin, and a golden-hued chain, how much is it worth, do you think?"

"Not worth your scrawny neck being twisted off, Steele Cast."

"Aw, Kada-hokai, you do care!"

"Careful you two. They're watching." Facilitator Nyeah opined. "Steele, go bring that batch of reagents to Blue Eyes, like we agreed." When he was out of earshot, Kada-hokai whispered into Nyeah's ear:

"He's just besotted with you, isn't he?"

"Is he? And is he the only one? Stovanoi, Storm of Spears keeps sending me infallible messengers, trying to get my attention."

"His kind is trouble."

"Do I look like an idiot, Kada? I didn't exalt as a Chosen of 'She whose kisses burn brighter than hate' not knowing a Demon is dangerous. And a ghost like yourself is hardly 'safe' company, not in Nexus, not for a Facilitator of the Guild, these days. Now go, as we agreed, we must bend Steele Cast to our will for the next part of the plan."

Guild, Merchant
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Controlled Territories


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