Paesan Grimaldi

Father of Theodore Mana Grimaldi and Apollonia Grimaldi. In the tumultuous period when they went from Ophilis Sen exalting as a Night caste solar and ruling the Tang-Zen with an Iron fist to Ophilis Senex being sent as their envoy to gather new territories, while Combative Mattresses was handpicked to rule the Tang-Zen, when Paesan died as part of a retaliatory move by The Guild, Combative Mattresses brought his son and daughter into his household. When Temagen, his then third-in-command, married Apollonia, then he became his second-in-command and troubleshooter, when the prior one died.   Once Theodore grew onto adulthood, his brother-in-law felt natural to trust him with his own missions of troubleshooting and discipline to the family.


Paesan Grimaldi


Towards Pandora V'neef-Grimaldi

Pandora V'neef-Grimaldi


Towards Paesan Grimaldi



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