The Great Lift

The great lift is an artifact, a marvel, dating back to a the chaotic months after the founding of the city of Palanquin. Back then, visiting Chosen artisans, in their munificence, gifted the city with a way to reach the ground below safely, despite the vertiginous height and distance.
— The burning scale circular letter, Jorossh Maldi, 769RR.
Thrice, in my lifetime, has the great lift been blocked or hampered, outside of the operation of the key. Well-marked are the times where it failed to operate at all, first in 450RR, then in 556RR and most recently, in 765RR. Each time, it matched an event in the Great Calendar of Setesh, used to set the seasons in the underworld...
— The burning scale circular letter, sent as an anonymous rebuttal, but attributed to Blue Sigil, 769RR.
That's just a load of hogwash, the calendar of Setesh is only for the underworld, and doesn't affect anything in 'reality'. Indeed, many facts in reality are unaccounted for by the calendar, and vice-versa.
— The burning scale circular letter, sent as a complement, anonymously, but attributed to Lady Persimmon, 769RR.
The previous arguments would otherwise have merit, but the wise knows that the calendar of Setesh not only influences the passage of time in the underworld, but also allows the underworld to account for outside influences and great magical phenomena it must take into account, simply to properly function. The wise and vigilant, following the chivalry of death in all things, know that the Calendar of Setesh is one of the things that prevents the Underworld from wandering away from Reality. Without this anchor, the forces that move Yu-Shan, and Creation, otherwise represented by Sidereal Astroiogy, would push past the underworld and prevent some gates from closing or opening, some souls from reaching their proper places, etc. Even the Mouth of Oblivion's own natural motion is tempered by the calendar, and preventing it from joining into the Wyld.
— The burning scale circular letter, signed by Regretful Raiment, 769RR.


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