The Wyld Shimmering Sea

"Always in motion, always expanding. It never stops, if you'd stick your little toe into it, it would surge up every little bit of your body and drench you, and if you manage to walk away, it will surge upon you again when you're dry. Unless you use powerful magic or Heartgraces of the most high, you will never be dry again. And no matter how big a creature is drenched, it will keep on growing and appear bigger and bigger.

It is ordained, it is the water is where the Hannya spawn, it will keep on growing forever, until the end of stories. The unwary fear being made wet...

The wise, like my friend Asteri, are worried about what hides in the waters.

Qhyxvien, the Myna, says the water is just a reflection of something else, something greater, what little evidence I've collected does not disprove this view.

I was unfortunate enough to speak to The Hate That is Vowed to Love, Acolyte of the Lover Clad in the Raiment of Tears and The Silent Wind, Sadness, once, on a bluff in the islands, overlooking the sea. They tried to kiss me, then to slap me, whatever the Yozi and the Dreadlord did to them left scars in their souls deep enough, I could feel them just by looking at them. Then they calmed down enough for my question, who was still ringing in a water column in the distance, between us and the vastness of the sea, to peal, once, like a million bells. The sound apparently amplified twofold for every second the sound was trapped in the water, then, when the sound ended, they answered: "It is likely Ketu, the unborn dream of stories unwritten, that spawns this water, and propels it into the endless distance. It is like a story itself, the voracious spirit of the Fair Ones. It is endless, and it is ceaseless, and it is written in the rules of Chaos to be unstoppable, only the rewriting of the rules of reality the mortals use can stop it."

Starchild, Orchid's Jester's travel diaries, Nexus, 770AoS.



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