Tide-Princess Suljin, follower of Nam The Unceasing, acolyte of the Nebula

Co-conqueror of Zarlath, Ishvara, Orchid-thrice-bloomed, Glory of Peace and Prosperity

"Hark, all of will and wit, attend my words! The arrogance of those of Ys grows, and it cannot be borne any further. I hear today of their devising a way to enslave the True People. Let us sail to their vassals in Palanquin to determine more of this!"
— Tide-Princess Suljin's proclamation, Island of Moste, 769RR
Tide-Princess Suljin traveled with Nam the Unceasing for a time, while she was alive, and once, again, later, when she was dead. She knows many unknown ways through, and between places which have their own legend, and this interests our kind greatly. She has used this knowledge to her advantage countless times. Among our kind, she is Suljin the surprising, or She-who-walks-behind. Woe is the one she surprises thusly, although she is not always malicious in this, sometimes choosing to instead be owed a favor.   She has also spent time at the court of Sapphire-Rose of Dusk's Constellated Stars in Bloom, Anarch-Panjundrum of the Nebula Court, Magnificent Brumante of the stars in Splendor, learning much of their mysterious and abstruse ways. They are held in fear by others of my kind, especially recently, since they are a recent occurrence, and few if any, know of their provenance.
Litheri Poisonjaw, acolyte of reflections, Island of Moste, 769RR

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