
"Ow!"   "What's wrong?"   "I felt something... Like a ping on my third soul..."   "What image do you see? In your essence sight?"   "A man, older than me, but his shadow is a panther-whale and his hands have been replaced with the suckers, like on calamari. The shadow's forefins are also suckers, and its eyes are purest white. He is undergoing a trial, running through a gauntlet, fighters are trying to stop him. They call him Tidetamer, and once they fail to stop him, they gather and cheer him on.   He swims like he is born to the sea, but when he needs to walk on land, he doesn't become human, he turns into a wolf and runs like the wind."   "Do you see anyone else there?"   "I see... A woman... with feathers? And a man, her brother, I think, with darker feathers, oh and on a throne of sorts, a finely dressed man. They call him teacher..."   "Dark hair? Eyes of grey-green like the turning of the leaves?"   "Yeah, you know him?"   "By reputation... The city wanted to trade with him, there is his portrait that he gifted to them, with him accepting a picture of the Sultan in sign of friendship... He is Ma-Ha-Suchi, one of the Shahan-Yas of the Silver Pact."   "What's a shahan-ya?"   "A teacher of the Chosen of Luna, and he is one of the most ancient of the Chosen, only a handful of them remember the fall of the Solars or the first age, but he is rumored to be one such..."   "The first age? Like before the usurpation?"   "Yes, they were actually all invited to the banquet that turned into the usurpation but declined, or in Ma-Ha-Suchi's case, his invitation was cancelled."   "Cancelled?"   "Apparently there was a relationshjip mishap that made it impossible for him to be invited..."   "And you know these others?"   "Dove-defending-her-nest and Falcon-strikes-true are Golden Chrysantemum's, my teacher's newer students, according to Silent Embrace of Night."


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