
The court of Mardukth, The Mountain and the Goat Upon It was so magnificent as to blow the mind, occupying one tent of the Infinity of Zen Mu, according to some estimates. Shaped like a ten-pointed star, the throne room was immense, but had unusual dimensions to allow for some guests who had special needs:  
  • The hundred spheres of She who lives in her name's hundred fiery spheres, singing together, had to be kept away from all others, lest they say the aforementioned name, and subsumed identity from the unfortunate.
  • The waters of Kimbery, The Sea That Marched Against the Flame would erode and corrode any who ventured too near, and drown and drench those who could resist same, making for messy scrolls.
  • The shadow of The Ebon Dragon was at the end of a branch of the star, hidden in the shadow of a light none could see.
  • Adrian, the river of all torments, equally captured
  • In the center of it all, two seats had been lain, one was set empty, to show none could really be an equal to Mardukth, who ruled all within, from the other throne. Between the two thrones was set Wyldtamer, a crown of all-encompassing beauty, made of transparent black glass cut through with a rain of gems of every description. Rumours claimed that She-who-lives-in-her-name had her eye on the other throne, even having regular trysts with Mardukth where she roleplayed being granted permission to sit thereon, but that never happened when others were allowed within the throne room. Mardukth's permanent expansion combined with her ability to subjugate any who heard even her name would have made her the true ruler of all that is in short order.  
    — The minutes of the court of Zen-Mu, 25 TR

    Mechanics & Inner Workings


    Wyldtamer is a unique artifact, a singular crown, fashioned by the creator of Zen-Mu to symbolize rulership over the laws of reality.

    Its main power and function is to prevent any but its wielder to win in Shaping Combat.

    Legends speak of Mardukth reaching into the deep wyld and engaging into combat with entities whose nature and name escape classification and description, so ancient they were.

    Item type
    Clothing / Accessory


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    Feb 19, 2024 20:52

    That's pretty cool. What art program did you use to make those constellations?

    Feb 20, 2024 14:31

    I used affinity publisher, but I can't claim credit, they're from this great exalted free resource: https://www.storytellersvault.com/product/252834/Exalted-Sidereals-Resource-Pack?filters=0_0_45735_0_0_0_0_0 It's meant for use in storyteller vault contributions and the like.

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