Jay Shermer
Jay is a friend and co-worker of Rani Rao . Both are employed as Couriers for Triple-J Express Services .
Mental characteristics
Jay is a Junior at Kwanchai Q. Degrassi Secondary School .
That's my first Overwatch main right there. Have some Lucio oh oh ohs!
Really I took you for a Hanzo main.
Oh crap - I didn't even know this was a game character. It's been a really long time since I've played video games I guess.
I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who will recognize him, so no worries. Don't worry about Brian either, he doesn't even know what he's saying, he's just repeating words he heard teenagers say. GTFOH with that Hanzo bullshit.
I read that insult on MSNBC news first hand, I thank you very much!