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The former fort of operations used by the The Stag Lord taken over and brought back into civilization.   The ruling council meets within the fort on the hill after it was reconstructed and it gives a commanding view of the area and Tuskwater lake.   The settlement has placed itself so the southern and eastern borders lay along the water of the lake, with the local populace taking to fishing frequently.   The humble beginnings of a capital start out as a small village.


Starting out, fewer than one hundred people strong was not much of a demographic to go off of, the majority of people were humans travelling from Brevoy in hopes of a better life.
  Continuing immigrants, travelers, and the most recent kobold integration has increased the population count of the formerly sleepy village to nearly two hundred and fifty citizens. While humans make up the dominant ancestry, Kobolds are surprisingly high in number.
  As the republic reaches its first anniversary, the popluation has continued to grow as buildings allow for more people to settle in the city and the first children of Ista are beginning to be born. The number of people within the city is becoming difficult to accurately count but is soon approaching the five hundred mark.


All that stands between Clemency and invaders are the few brave souls on the council, much to Valerie's dismay.

Industry & Trade

While there are no industry buildings within Clemency, the wealth of raw materials allows for trade with Brevoy and Varnhold.


Central District

The central district is currently home to the town hall and has stood since the founding.
On the 30th of Sarenrith The Whispering Leaf joined the district, adding much needed accommodation for the Istans and any traveler.
As of the 19th of Erastus, a granary was constructed in the final plot within the central district. However in the month of Abadius 4723 the architectural wonder was demolished for the planned mercantile buildings. Within the next month structures that soon became businesses were erected. No focus allowed for a wide variety of stores to pop up, such as Golka and Son's Good Goods which has become a favorite of the dwarven expats.

Natural Resources

With the successful integration of the Sootscale Kobolds, Ista now has access to silver ore.

As of the month of Sarenrith, the borders have expanded to claim a portion of the forest, allowing for a steady supply of lumber.

The month of Lamashan has brought gold into the fold as the untapped gold vein was quickly exploited by the council.
Founding Date
The 1st of Desnus, 4722
Alternative Name(s)
The Capital Without A Name
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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