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Session 19 - Tomb Raiders

General Summary

The sun continues to beat down upon our heroes on the 11th of Sarenith.   The heroes reached the barrow as depicted by the map left by the hermit. From the outside, the entrance marked on the map appeared to have be unearthed through the ravages of time as opposed to purposefully built. From the crack in the hill, the stench of guano wafted out and peering into the darkness cobwebs could be seen further in. Walking in caused the bats dwelling within to stir and swarm our heroes. However they were almost effortlessly dispatched, with Beatrice LaRue uttering an effective incantation of explosive gusts of air. Uniquely identifiable about this first chamber, aside from the former inhabitants, were the mysterious carvings upon the walls under many layers of grime.

Cutting through the webbing covering the passage into the next corridor, our heroes continued until they came to the entrance of the next chamber where a skeleton lie in the center of the room with each of the wall diagonals having a face upon them. The dungeoneering instincts of Zolahma Yew and Enir Fetchling began to tingle and they peered a little more into the room and found what appeared to be the runic workings of a trap. Not so keen on her abilities, Zolahama elected to allow Enir to go and disable the devices himself. Sliding up to the first of the walls, Enir had success disabling the first of the faces. However, overconfidence led him to wander into the center of the room where it activated the remaining faces which breathed a dark miasma that sapped any vitality. Quickly escaping and waiting out the effects of the trap, Enir slinked back in and disposed of the remaining faces. Upon getting a closer look at said faces, they were carved as a malevolent depiction the four elemental winds.

Safe to move in, the heroes entered the central portion of the burrow with exits leading every orthogonal way. Enir slinked ahead towards the north chamber to peek around, being so accustomed to the darkness, but turned a corner and came face first to a skeletal warrior, who is also accustomed to the darkness, poised to challenge the intruders. The skeleton clanged upon his shield to alert his companions and a fight broke out.

Three burrow guardians came from the north and the south crypts and slowly made their pincer strike against the heroes, slowly pushing Zolahama and Enir back from the north while the southern entrance had no front line which allowed that group to rush in, bringing the melee to Strongarm and Faenulos Canathrimel. Blows were exchanged from both sides, with the skeletons proving to be hardy with their shields, skills, and scaled armor, but were ultimately whittled away.

Upon being reduced to the sole combatant remaining, the final guardian bashed his shield once more in a different inflection, discarded it, and made a desperate attempt to lay low Enir but missed. However the true intention rung clear as from the eastern exit a figure made its presence known by entering combat with an unnerving screech. The warrior of the lonely barrow, befit in ancient armor and wielding his broken yet flame licked blade, has come to fight. The first scream managed to unnerve a few but the heroes held fast. Rushing in full of confidence from laying low the skeletons, it was too late before the heroes recognized the pallid complexion and darkness emanating from his extremities as a vitality-sapping Wight, as it swung a blade with executioners precision that would have fully met its mark if Faenulos was not duplicating himself. From the blade the life force drawn from his attacks would bolster his own, improving his durability.

The battle was grinding down both sides, with the heroes taking multiple setbacks. The warrior let loose another cry which rattled the mind of Faenulos and severely hampered his spellcasting in addition to having his vitality nearly drained completely. Strongarm and Beatrice were able to resist the full force of the draining strikes, but still taking maiming blows, and the rest fairing in-between. However the battle came to a climax as right before the warrior attempted to end the life of Deylen, he invoked the power of Erastil to blast the warrior full of divine energy and it crumbled.

With the barrow claimed, all that's left is to evaluate the contents and move on.

Rewards Granted


Character 497/1000
Vampire Bats - 30xp
Breath of Despair Hazard - 60xp
Skeletal Champions - 80xp
The Lonely Warrior - 80xp
Quest: Tomb Treasure - 30xp

Kingdom - 300/1000


None. They still do it for free.


A Tarnished Copper Ring.
The Broken Blade of The Barrow Warrior

Missions/Quests Completed

Tomb Treasure
Report Date
27 Apr 2023
Related Characters


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