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Session 20 - Felled Trees and Fell Trees

General Summary

Time has advanced to the 27th of Sarenith. The embrace of the sun continues to intensify.

  Finishing up at the barrow, the heroes take the time to identify what this actually is. Their discoveries lead them to the conclusion that this is an ancient Kellid burial mound for a great warrior over four thousand years old, with the equipment and fashions indicating it pre-dates the second army of exploration. The flaming weapon of the warrior is damaged yet holds together just enough for it to be retired as a mantlepiece or given to a capable smith to repair into a battle-worthy blade once more.

Moving on, they head towards the abandonded lodge as detailed by Jubilost Narthopple and, true to his word, it was just as abandoned as they thought. To the east was a way down into a forest and the heroes were gearing up for the descent until Deylen noticed a pair of tracks he hadn't encountered in the stolen lands thus far and identified them to belong to a wyvern. Deciding to not take their chances, they headed back towards the Shrike.   However upon the 15th a flaming tragedy in the form of a wildfire struck and while the heroes made it out mostly intact, they had to retreat to the shrike. Deciding to return home was the best course of action. Along the way they found their new denizens, kobolds, taking logs upstream and then lazily floating the river. What majestic creatures.   Returning to Clemency, a rather unfortunate situation revealed itself. Linzi has been holed up in her room recently, a strange mood overtaking her and Jaethal has not been seen in a while. Tristian and Valerie have been tending to the city affairs while the heroes have been galavanting off in the wilds. While Valerie understands what they accomplish while out there, she still presses a point that the heroes could spend more time in the city tending to affairs in general while also simply being present. However the most important bit of news is that the new work camp to the west has been hit with a snag before the official start date.   Lamenting as soon as they got back, the heroes quickly leave Clemency to put out this fire. Arriving at the scene of the camp they notice the site itself is prepped to begin yet the majority of the workforce is missing. Questioning a local says they have been spotted going upriver. Traveling up river leads them to a pond where a tense standoff is underway. The nixie known as Melianse has charmed three of the lumberjacks under the control of the foreman Corax and refuses to give them back in retaliation for Corax chopping down three of the trees in her grove. Tense words, heated threats, but not blows were exchanged as eventually a resolution was struck. Corax will take his remaining men and return to the worksite in exchange for a more lucrative site in the future. Melianse has agreed to release the charmed men once her grove has new trees. As Corax and his men depart, the heroes are pondering where to get new trees from when the nixie suggests they could search out her dryad friend deeper in the forest.   Travelling further into the forest they come upon the sensation that they were almost lead to this location, as if fate itself has led them to a beautiful grove bathed in sunlight where a Dryad was gently weeping into a pond. The dryad began to mournfully tell the heroes how she fears for her life as a malovently entity plans to make an attempt on her life and begs for them to help her. The heroes, enraptured, agree instantly. With that agreement the sound of flutes gently begins to fill the grove. The dryad, with the weight lifted off her shoulders, profusely thanks them before placing that enmourous weight upon theirs:   The malevolent entity seeking her death is a sentient plant creature known as A Scythe Tree making its home within a blighted grove to the south.

Rewards Granted


Character 505/1000
Wildfire - 8xp
Kingdom - 300/1000


None. They continue to do it for free.


A Tarnished Copper Ring identified as a Ventreloquists Ring
The Broken Blade of The Barrow Warrior identified to have the qualites of a +1 Flaming weapon if repaired to a proper blade once more.


Murals on the walls dated to a civilization approximately four thousand years ago. Museum potential.
The barrow hex itself counts as a refuge if claimed.

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content


Melianse's Trees
Wrath of the Scythe Tree


Melianse's Pond Revealed on map
Dryad Grove revealed on map
Blighted Grove revealed on map, supposedly.


"...That's not as intimidating as I hoped it would be." - Deylen
Report Date
04 May 2023


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