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Blasted Port

The Docks

Pre-burning: A hub of colorful ships, gather in the half-built, half-ruined docks of Blasted Port. Pirates, merchants, sailors, soldiers; everyone is gathered here, and everyone has somewhere to be, something to do. Market stalls crowd the docks, vendors hawking their wares to new arrivals and departing voyagers. Taverns, inns, and shops line the streets that stretch deeper into the city. Galleons, brigantines, sloops, and even a handful of Frigates glide through the water, causing traffic jams, disrupting trading routes; it is a wild place with no rules, and that's why it's the pirate's choice to both sell goods and pickup jobs.   Post-burning: The once-colorful hub of ships now lies abandoned and smoldering, the docks charred and crumbling from the recent fires. Small tents, constructed in the alleyways of blackend buildings, provide shelter for those who have stayed behind, but many of the merchants and sailors who frequented this port seem to have left for the time being. For those who live here, this is not an unusual occurrence; the constant artillery fire from rival factions have long devastated the city. But this level of destruction, reaching out to touch the waterside, will take some time to fully recover from.  

Tankards of Fish

Pre-burning: A brightly lit, well-maintained building where everything from the first floor and above kinda leans out over the street, and leans into the buildings beside it, pushing them out at odd angles. The extensions seem to have doubled, if not in fact tripled, the square footage of this building. A large sign, also leaning over the street, proclaims the name of this establishment: Tankards of Fish. Inside, crowds throng around the live music, a group of bards strumming and singing their hearts out on the small stage. A massive bar takes up almost the entire first floor, with stadium-like seating climbing up maybe four or five stories tall. Every dozen or so steps, tables and chairs have been set up, creating a platformed dining area for the customers to sit and enjoy the music below   Post-burning: The upside-down pyramid shape of this tavern has fallen on its side, partially submerged in the water.  

Items Shop 252

Pre-burning: A well-kept, but slightly run-down shop with a large awning over the street nearby, with benches and chairs setup for passerby to rest in the shade. A small sign beside the door reads Items Shop 252, We welcome one and all here. This shop contains magical weapons and armor ranging from +1 to +2. Also available are common weapons and armor, as well as adventuring supplies and common wondrous items.   Post-burning: The sign on the door has been flipped to "Closed", and behind the glass, wooden boards have been nailed into the walls, preventing entry.  

Ted's Tinctures and Things

Overhanging the building is a sign so large, it almost blocks the rest of the building from sight. The letters on the sign don't quite fit, like someone painting it and they weren't sure how much room they'd have. This is where spell components can be found, they cost the same as in the excel spreadsheet. In addition, wondrous items can be purchased here as well, with a slightly higher chance of being found here over Items Shop 252.   Post-burning: The neighboring building have collapse in on Ted Tincture's and Things, and only the overly-large sign remains, standing crookedly against the rubble.  

Bombed-Out Streets

Describing these as streets or roads is misleading. These used to be roads, streets, avenues, alleyways; now they are dust. The buildings lining the side have been destroyed, rebuilt, and destroyed again countless times. You can spot the addresses where, after 8, 9, 10 times rebuilding, the owners just gave up and left, leaving behind the accumulated rubble of their previous homes. As you walk through these ruins, you hear the sounds of the busy docks quickly fade, and the low thuds and booms distant arcane artillery grow louder as you progress deeper into the city. The ground shudders as you walk, the constant battle over this island bearing down on you. This is why there are no laws, no governing body to speak of; and this is why so much activity stays near the docks.  

The Hole in the Wall/The Bar Up the Block

Pre-burning: A tavern inside of a hole in a wall, with a canvas tarp through over the otusdie to keep the breeze out. A small group of 3 rogueish bards play somber music in the corner, while a worn-down crowd plays various dice and card games throughout the establishment.   Post-burning: Where once the wall stood, strong yet crumbled as it was, there is now a pile of rubble and charred wooden supports. It seems a number of buildings surrounding the wall collapsed on it, taking the whole structure down with it. Next to the previous location of the Hole in the Wall, a large, solid-stone piece of the former wall appears to have fallen over on its side. A piece of limestone about 20 feet tall and 60 feet wide, with some crude ladders on the side facing you. As you get to the top, you see the remnants of a nearby building that has somehow perfectly slid off its foundations, coming to a rest on top of the large chunk of stone. A hand-drawn sign sits above the doorway: The Bar Up the Block.  

Definitely Not-Stolen Goods

A shop around the corner from The Hole in the Wall, with a sign reading Completely Normal Shop! All Items are Lawfully Purchased from Respectable Vendors!
Location under

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