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The Zhentarim Reborn

In Faerun, the Zhentarim were a collective of spies, thieves, and assassins. Their goal was to accumulate power and money, and they would essentially oscillate between two alignments: chaotic neutral when they were vying for power, and lawful evil when they held power. When the Zhentarim came over on the Arks, they found a new world that was immediately being divided up by the power-hungry elite who came over. As a result, they were never quite able to achieve the foothold they wanted in the Stolen Seas. Eventually, after decades of struggle, the Zhentarim underwent an internal restructuring, and came out of it rebranded as the Zhentarim Reborn. This version of the faction is fundamentally chaotic good, as they are not seeking to bring power to themselves, but rather, they fully oppose the power structures that oppress people here.
  • an unfortunate side effect of not seeking power for themselves is that they've remained (literally) underground for a long time.
  • Controlled Territories
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