Moral Safeguarding Chapter

"By virtue of the power that is bestowed to me, I condemn you... who am I kidding, get her."
— Arrest with a dubious protocol

Stonemancers are scholars of the world, and shall never have any implication in it whatsoever. However, the call of power is often hard to ignore. Apprentices and masters alike may see the cruelty of the world, the injustice, and see that they have a greater chance at changing things than most. Per the Founder's Gathering, such an action is prohibited, as history showed that it did more harm than good. Still, some fellows think they are above this pact, and so the Moral Safeguarding Chapter is tasked with regulating them.


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The chapter members are chosen directly by the First Council. They must be unanimously voted for their righteousness and loyalty to the council. While on paper, their talent in wielding the power of the stones is secondary, they remain the only enforcers in this parallel world. They are on the front line of any conflicts, and thus must be prepared for battle much more regularly than other mages. To be appointed, they are required to pledge a binding oath to an oathstone, which will break shall they turn back on their words.


For this reason, and the fact that there has never been a great number of villains over the centuries that the council existed, their own numbers have always remained low. Nowadays, less than 300 stonemancers belongs to the Chapter, making it the smallest among its peers.




The members of the Moral Safeguarding Chapter are granted authority over all other stonemancers, even veteran members of the prestigious First Council. If more than five chapter members declare a mage guilty, they have the sole authority to judge and strip them of their rights as a stonemancer, or outright execute them shall they resist. This extreme situation only happened seventy times over the course of history, which is a relatively low numbers considering the centuries that have passed since the foundation of the chapter.


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