Ell's Handy Homunculus

Ell's Handy Homunculus allows you to infuse non-living materials into an artificial flesh and blood creature. This is the final spell used in the process of creating a handy homunculus, which is generally weaker than the traditional homunculus. However, you do not need to possess the Craft Construct feat. You also gain benefits if you possess either Craft Construct or Bind Elemental.   If you possess either the Craft Construct or Bind Elemental feats, you may increase the hit dice of your homunculus, costing another 500 gp and 25 xp per hit die, up to your caster level (max 10 HD, 5000 gp and 250 xp). You can create several homunculi, but you can only control a number of HD up to your caster level. Earlier homunculi go inert, and may be re-awakened by casting this spell upon them.   Homunculi possess an empathic link to their masters, and possess a small amount of free will, though they always obey commands when given. They never stray more than 1 mile from their master willingly, and take any measures to return to that radius if forced. They are not terribly intelligent, so most mages uses these oddities as pets.


Creates a Homunculus that is bound to the users will.
Material Components
The required Craft check, types of material, and required spells vary from homunculus to homunculus, but they all require a jewel, a crystal, a drop of your blood, 25 xp, and the total materials must cost 500 gp. The jewel serves as the creature's core, and the blood binds it to your will.
Gestures & Ritual
A summoning circle must be drawn on the ground with the material components in the middle. The caster must then meditate and focus on the homunculus they want to summon. After the visualization is complete the caster must then recite the binding words to complete the summon.
Related School
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 hour
Sor/Wiz 1