
Quarterstaves were usually made of wood and carved cylindrical with blunt ends. Though they can be plain wood, some are intricately carved works of art. Some are known to enhance their quarterstaves with metal-shod ends or textured striking surfaces. Each end deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage, has 5 hardness and 10 hp.   A quarterstaff is a double weapon. You can fight with it as if fighting with two weapons, but if you do, you incur all the normal attack penalties associated with fighting with two weapons, just as if you were using a one-handed weapon and a light weapon. A creature wielding a quarterstaff in one hand can’t use it as a double weapon—only one end of the weapon can be used in any given round.   The quarterstaff is a special monk weapon. This designation gives a monk wielding a quarterstaff special options.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Base Price
2 gp
Raw materials & Components