Character Rules and Guidelines

In-Character Rules and Regulations


  • There are no non-RP characters in the Tribe. Players may have alts in the Tribe, however, they must be RP characters and have at least an acceptable RP basis for being a Visitor in the village. Players wishing to RP and engage with Stonewind, but who’s character does not fit with a full membership, may be given “Visitor” status on a case by case basis. New characters to the Tribe will always start out with the “Visitor” rank first.
  • Names must follow lore. It is acceptable to have a non-roleplaying name as your character's name, as long as your RP addon shows your IC name.
  • If unsure about an aspect of your character, or what direction you can/want to take them, you are encouraged to post in the Discord rp_talk to start a discussion. Most players are quite happy to give their two cents, and you may gain important feedback to help you make a decision for your character. It is okay to develop your character as you go; you are not expected to have your character fully fleshed out before joining. We only ask that the basic concept and groundwork be decided on before applying.
  • The following common RP tropes are NOT permitted in Stonewind: No Mowgolis (see under "Do you accept non-Tauren races?", Invinci-bulls (see under "Godmodding"), or any characters that use the Dances with Wolves trope. High power-level characters such as deathknights, dragons, etc. will only be permitted to established guild members with a good track record of respecting the lore and showing willingness to compromise with the other members of the guild.


  • Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation is expected at all times when in Roleplay (with the exception of accents). Typos happen (a lot, to me, all the time), but try your best to keep them to a minimum and correct with (([OOC correction])) when needed for clarification.
  • When in roleplay, keep all OOC chatter to a minimum and use (( )) or something similar to indicate you are Out of Character, or speak in gchat, whispers, or other channels. If you are RPing in Discord, please use the RP thread’s main channel for all OOC communication, rather than posting inline with the RP thread in progress.
  • You are encouraged to act In Character and react to others ICly, positive or negative. Remember that IC actions should not affect OOC. IC conflict is okay, and encouraged to an extent, but should have a purpose in furthering a character’s development.
  • We are a mature guild. Mature situations between characters are acceptable. However, such situations must be made consensual OOC beforehand to those involved, and taken to private chat (whispers/party) if beyond PG-13 content. Please see this article for more information. Stonewind may be a mature guild, but “mature” does not equal “sex”. If you wish to ERP publicly, please seek out Goldshire instead.
  • All members, regardless of rank, can create and host guild events, whether in game or in Discord. Large-scale or tribe-wide events should be scheduled as far in advance as possible and at least two days prior on the in-game calendar. GM approval is required on large open events that may affect the entire Tribe/village. Most, if not all, RP will be planned and initiated on our Discord.
  • Regardless of player behavior, if a character takes an action that violates the Tribe's principles, they will be subject to the full consequences of that action. Players that have their unruly characters either leave or get kicked out can of course make a different character to try and join the Tribe. You will not be removed from the Discord just because your character is no longer welcome (unless there is blatant OOC misconduct happening at the same time).


  • There are three main mediums that we RP in: retail WoW, the private WoW server Epsilon, and the IC channels in our guild's Discord. You are not required to use all of these mediums to RP, but be aware that they are there and others may choose to hold events and RP within them. Accommodations will be made when possible.
  • As this is a guild with an older median age, it is expected and acceptable that players may not have the time to be actively RPing their characters every day, or even every week. That is fine. However, there is also an expectation that you will spend at least some time establishing what your character does day to day while you're not around. They might be a trader on the Bluffs that brings goods back to the village. They might be a Brave that helps with patrols around Mulgore. They might be a leatherworker that spends their days patching up tents and tanning hides for their fellow tribemates. You must check and confirm with the GM before giving your character a village role. Characters that are not established may be moved back down to "Visitor" should it become apparent that the character is static.

Articles under Character Rules and Guidelines


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