Discord Rules

Discord is primarily for the use of The Stonewind Tribe members to facilitate RP and other WoW things outside of the game. Non-game related talk is to be kept to #off-topic only. Posts unrelated to a channel are subject to immediate removal. We ask that you repost the comment in the appropriate channel.   Please change your nickname on the server to your main Tribe character’s name. Exceptions may be made on case-by-case.   The #announcement channel should only be used for tribe/guild related announcements. Follow up conversation should be moved to #rp_talk or PMs.   Only use the @everyone tag for announcements of public tribe events.   Visitors have access to certain channels, though exceptions may be made for long standing positive involvement with the Tribe.   All other guild rules apply within the Discord.   Please note that our Discord channel is not Facebook. We have had trouble in the past with new players joining only to treat Stonewind like a personal support group for their problems. While getting to know people and sharing things from your real life can be a part of how you engage with the guild, we are not equipped to assist with serious mental health issues. Those looking for such connection and support are strongly encouraged to seek professional help, as they are actually equipped to help in a meaningful way.   BE WARNED, we do not tolerate harassment of any kind on our Discord. This is a guild made up of mostly older players. Anyone making trouble, accidental or otherwise, will be given a verbal warning and, if it continues, will be removed. This is to ensure the comfort of our less outgoing players and well as to preserve officer sanity.     Update 03/06/2021: The use of Weebish language (cute face/animal face letter talk) in chat may result in a ban if the current GM get sufficiently annoyed by it. You have been warned.  


  Council: The officers of the Tribe, including the current GM, Balkaria (though Taeana keeps her crown per the Sticker Queen clause). They hold monitoring power in every channel.   Elders: Functionally similar to Council, but these folks tend not to be as active due to IRL stuff. They still have editing rights to channels and guild membership, but active issues and setup should be directed at a Council member or the GM instead.   Tribemate: Everyone that is in the guild in game is marked as a Tribemate. This allows access to all channels.   Visitor: Anyone in the guild, or is a friend of the guild, that has a character that can reasonably visit the village. This might be a new applicant who has just joined the guild, or might be a longstanding member who's character is not in the tribe ICly, but is a regular visitor who is on friendly terms with Stoneind. This allows access to most channels, though we do ask that new members ask before using the RP channels.   Friend of the Guild: Someone who is in the in-game guild oand/or the Discord channel, but does not have an RP character that can be RP in Stonewind. These are usually longstanding players or friends who may have once RP'd with us, but do not anymore. Or they may intereact with the guild in some other non-RP capacity. These are considered exceptions to the rule.


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