Guild RP Style and General Attitude

RP Overview

Stonewind RP is driven largely by direct character interaction and development. Most of the stories we tell will be set in Mulgore and Stonewind Village specifically. Specific characters may also travel on expedition-style adventures, allowing more flexibility in what kinds of RP we can engage with. Storylines will usually be character focused, rather than having larger overarching plotlines for the entire guild. The village, and the guild in general, is meant to provide a stable base upon which larger character exploration can be built.  

Character Types

We are first and foremost a Tauren Tribe and village. As such, Tauren (and all subraces of) are the most readily able to find home with us. All characters assist in the day-to-day of living in a village. We have crafters, fighters, healers, spiritualists, hunters, cooks, and more. However, the biggest factor in making a character work is how well they can get along and engage with the village as a whole. Players are encouraged to talk with others, or directly with the GM, to help determine how their character might first interact with the village and those that inhabit it.  

Power Scale and "Realism"

In line with this premise, we keep the ‘power feel’ of our characters much lower than many other groups. We are not ‘great adventurers’ or ‘champions of Azeroth’, but rather more humble cow-folk living and working to keep their home safe. We of course face challenges and can hold our own, but Stonewind is not a home for the great and powerful or glory-seekers. That is not to say that we don't have our share of colourful characters and eccentric outliers, but such characters need to be discussed with the GM ahead of time to prevent longterm writing issues. See Godmodding: How Not To for more information.   Additionally, we prefer to, as much as possible, keep a sense of realism in our RP. This can include distance and travel, crafting time/materials, animal interaction, and character ability.  

RP Format and Platform

Stonewind does not operate like a traditional RP guild. Aside from open world events such as the Tournament of Ages or the World Faire, it is unusual to see us RPing out in the world. This is a rather large change from how we used to plan RP. Unfortunately, with our average player age being very firmly at “adult”, and the previous misgivings towards the retail game, we have had to adapt our approach.   Our main way of RPing within in the guild is mainly Discord RP. We have dedicated channels that are used for IC storylines and interactions. Any member may start a new RP by opening a new thread under one of these channels. Visitors may also do so, but should ask first if they haven't already arranged something with a guild member. There is bot support that allows for aliases, inline rolling, and other RP functions. We will still RP very occasionally in-game, as well as using the private server Epsilon for certain events, but it is not considered the norm.   There are currently no set times for RP, save for the occasional world event. As stated above, most of our RP is set up through Discord. Discord RP specifically also allows stories to be told over much longer periods of time, as a post does not need to be answered immediately to keep the RP floating. If in-game RP is prefered, then you will need to discuss and arrange a time with the other players involved that works for everyone (an often tall task, hence why we rarely do this). You will need to discuss and plan most if not all RP through our RP channel in Discord. Players hoping for more spontaneous or provided RP without having to engage OOCly may need to look a different RP guild.  

Beyond RP

While we are an RP guild first, we do also have social and PvE elements that people can engage with. There generally aren't any set expectations around this (for instance, while many folks run Mythic+ and raid content, it's not something officially run for the guild), but folks are welcome to engage with other aspects of the guild if the invitation is open. As stated before, we are an older, diverse group with lives and responsibilities beyond Stonewind, but we are also all gamers with a keenness for RP.   If all that sounds good, feel free to shoot us an application through this form here.


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