Player Code of Conduct

Out of Character Rules and Regulations



  • Be polite and respectful to your guild mates, and fellow dwellers of Azeroth, regardless of the situation.
  • Public flaming of ANY player or guild, in the right or in the wrong, will not be tolerated. Concerns should be brought to the GM if players find themselves unable to resolve the conflict themselves.
  • Disciplinary conversations will be handled privately, although the offending party may be told publicly to stop their actions before moving into PMs. Recurring issues in standing guild members will result in removal. Guests breaking rules will be removed immediately.
  • The GM reserves the right to remove players creating a hostile or unwelcoming environment to others, done intentionally or not. Players have the right to be given the reason for their removal, and may appeal it on a case by case basis as determined by the GM.
  • Keep In-character interactions separate from Out-of Character interactions. Do not be offended by what happens to your character by another player ICly, though do not hesitate to talk the issue out OOC; many conflicts that occur in RP could be avoid by two players simple talking to one another rather than assuming intentions.
  • We endeavor to make the guild a welcoming and open place for all. However, we do not pretend to be neutral or opinion-less on matters that affect the personal lives of our members. This is an LGBTQ+ friendly community. We are not all gay, but we are, collectively, very gay. If this is a problem, please seek RP elsewhere.


Members of the guild must be 18 years of age or older. No exceptions. It will be stressed to players below the age of 21 that this is an older guild that expects some social maturity from its players. Players that fail to demonstrate this, regardless of age, will be asked to seek RP elsewhere.  


  • Treat your guild mates and fellow players with respect. How you act on an OOC basis directly affects how yourself and the tribe are perceived, therefore it is expected that you remain collected even in the most stressful of situations. Whether you’ve lost three battlegrounds in a row, wiped for an hour on a boss, or a nearby roleplay encounter is rubbing your nerves raw, there is no acceptable reason to be rude to a fellow player, especially a guild mate.
  • Do not trash-talk other guilds or players within the guild chat, the Discord, or any other guild sanctioned chat. If you see such going on, take initiative and ask for the conversation to be changed. Otherwise, an angry spite-bird will change it for you.
  • Separation of IC and OOC situations is expected at all times. This means that genuine, In Character encounters should never be taken personally, and Out of Character conditions should not be involved within anybody’s story. In short, IC occurrences should be met with IC reactions.
  • Guild chat is OOC, and should be kept to PG-13.
  • The guild Discord Server is used to coordinate and discuss RP and other things OOCly, as well as being used for active Discord RP. Guests and friends of the Tribe may join, but access to all channels will be granted on a case-by-case basis. See Discord Rules.
  • A strict non-trolling policy is implemented for the sake of publicity and politeness. This includes all public chats. If a member is caught trolling, harassing, and otherwise ruining the gameplay of others, you will be removed from the guild pending appeal. This also includes trolling on other public Discord servers.


Being a roleplay guild, character activity is encouraged and appreciated. Ultimately, your real life is more important. Missing storylines due to sudden schedule changes, stress, or otherwise will never be held against you. However, do keep in mind that consistent missing of RP that you signed on for may result in you being invited to fewer stories. The event runner(s) reserve the right to include only those who will engage with their efforts.

Anyone inactive in game, but active in Discord, can keep their in-game and Discord rank so long as their character is still actively in (or for) Stonewind Village doing well-established regular day-to-day duties and contributions (offscreen is fine, as long as it’s been discussed with the GM). Otherwise, they will be changed to “Visitor”.

Anyone inactive in game AND Discord for 2 months will have their in-game and discord rank changed to “Visitor”. They can regain any previously held rank if they again become active in the Tribe.

Anyone inactive in the game AND Discord for 4 months will be removed from the guild and Discord. If they become active again, they can speak to the GM for re-invites.


All issues are to be handled privately. Arguing and/or flaming at another player in public chat that goes beyond friendly debate will be shut down and pulled into private channels. Tempers will flare over things now and then, and you won't get kicked for having a bad day. However, we are trusting and expecting that the folks in our guild can handle such situations like adults. Those that demonstrate that they can't will be subject to disciplinary action or removal.


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