Clementine Wick

Clementine Wick

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Wick is the surname given to those who have none at Candlekeep. Through some means Clem Wick arrived at the Keep as a baby, and was raised as a foundling by the monks of the Avowed- named in their traditional fashion. Clem Wick is a hobgoblin, plain to see, and though he has the persona of a mild mannered scholar- his broad muscular frame and red skin betrays his heritage. Candlekeep, caring and gentle community that it is posed little issue, the rest of the world has not always been so kind. After a life of quiet study, it is time for Clem to venture out and fill his own "Book". Each initiate received an arcane tome on their 18th birthday- they must travel into the world, collecting as much knowledge and spell craft as they can. All in the service of Oghma, god of knowledge.


Religious Views

Disciple of Alaundo, sworn servant to Oghma god of knowledge.

Social Aptitude

Not Applicable.

Initiate of the avowed, disciple of Aluando. What he lacks for in life experience he tries to make up with in referencing, cataloging and academic prowess.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Initiate of the Avowed
Unknown but raised in Candlekeep


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