Naming Traditions
Feminine names
Ahura, Ani, Anqt, Ansofre, Anta, Atef, Bithiah, Dendera, Inhanakht, Khonsu, Maut, Mes-sit, Ranno, Sepuntepet, Sekhet, Taur/Tauret, Uat, Umayma
Masculine names
Abet, Adofo, Akiiki, Amasis, Amenemua, Amenophes, Amunhef, Aanekhtu, Harakhty, Naeem, Paduneith, Piea, Psamektia, Rhotamenti, Sawese, Senbeb, Stau, Ukani, Un-Amen, Unika
Major language groups and dialects
The syph tongue is an eloquent one that lends itself to poetry and prose quite easily, though its complexity and ambiguity can be a detriment to financial discussions. Therefore, most trade agreements are spoken in a truncated dialect called alkhalti, derived from the syph words for "coin-language."
Culture and cultural heritage
Popular forms of art include storytelling and songwriting, as well as crafting precious metals into jewelry.
Common Dress code
Popular dress consists of brightly colored, loose-fitting silks in multiple layers that can be donned and removed as temperature dictates.
It is considered immodest to leave the house without gloves on.
It is considered immodest to leave the house without gloves on.
Common Customs, traditions and rituals
Though the tradition is falling out of use in recent generations, many syph still observe a holy day called the Day of Silence, during which only what must me said is said. Idle gossip, passing greetings, even conversations between friends and family are left until sunset. The exception to this is urgent financial transactions and government business, and even those are kept to as few words as possible.
Beauty Ideals
Golden skin, blonde/brunette hair.
Encompassed species
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