The Tidefever Condition in The Sundered Sphere | World Anvil
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The Tidefever

Transmission & Vectors

Tidefever is not contagious


The cause is not exactly known but anyone who has exhibited symptoms has a long career of sailing on the Azure sea. Merchants and pirates often get it. Clerics and mages have examined victims but have found no poison,curse or other cause for it either magical or mundane


Tidefever manifests as a strong desire to return to the sea, often causing the affected to simply walk into the water. People affected by Tidefever will mention that they hear the water talking to them, beckoning them to return to the water which is the reason this is also called the Sirens Curse


There is no treatment known for Tidefever, though some have had luck having a Geas or quest spell placed on them and being directed to avoid the water. Another thing that helps some is to head back out on a boat where the closeness of the sea helps to ease the symptoms.


Unfortunately the Tidefever seems to be lethal to most people who get it, some can avoid the end for quite a while as they slowly fall deeper into the obsession

Affected Groups

Generally older sailors (merchants, pirates, fishermen)


The Tidefever was first documented 50 years after Verlona was founded. The first case was a fisherman that had been working daily at sea for many years. He became restless one day and would only calm down on his boat or at the shore

Cultural Reception

The people of Verlona dont know why old sailors get this, but they know it's not contagious and they treat victims well. Victims of the disorder will have family care for them, and often will have someone who is able to accompany them to the shoreline that can stop them should they become suicidal.
Chronic, Acquired
Extremely Rare
Affected Species

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