BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


You grew up in an experimental, eccentric, or creative community. Perhaps you belonged to a commune, an artist colony, or some "off the grid" intentional community. You may be the child of a group or polyamorous marriage, particularly on Earth. You're unfamiliar with some of the things people take for granted, but had plenty of opportunities to epand your horizons. You might be trying to fit into mainstream society after some time away, or your might revel in your offbeat lifestyle.
Abililty+1 Communication
FocusIntelligence(choose one) or Communication(performing)
TalentCarousing or Perfomance
Bohemian Benefits
2+1 Dexterity
3-4Focus: Perception(empathy)
5Focus:Willpower (Courage or Faith)
6[/td[Focus:Communication (choose one)
7-8+1 Constitution
9[/td[Focus:Dexterity (Acrobatics or Free Fall)
12+1 Perception


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