BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Requirements:Communication 1
You have a large web of social connections, and know people even in the unlikeliest of places.
NOVICE:You can attempt to make a contact out of an NPC with a Neutral or better attitude towards you with a successful Communication(Persuasion) test. The GM sets the TN based on the likelihood of you knowing the character or having mutual friends. The more distan the character's origin or social class from yours the more difficult the test. If you succeed, the new contact's attitude shifts one step in your favour and they readily provide information without a test, as long as it wouldn't harm them. They will not perform other favours for you without further persuasion.
EXPERT:Once you've established a contact, you can try to get a favour from them with a single Communication(Persuasion) test., regardless of their attitude towards you and without engaging in a complex social interaction. The TN is based on the nature of the favour and whether it puts the contact in any danger.
MASTER:Your social skills can turn a contact into a trusted ally. If you do a significant favour for an established contact, the become Very Friendly towards you, and any potential risk in the favours you ask of them does the not affect the target number of the Communication(Persuasion) test from the Expert degree. If they're already Very Friendly, they become zealously loyal, you do not need to make an ability test to ask favours of them, regardless of the danger involbed, and the GM can use your ally to provide prompts if you become stuck in the course of a story in the form of unsolicited advice or favours. Allies' attitued can degrade if they're not treated well, but do not do so simply with the passage of time. You can drift apart for a decade ahd they'll still be as loyal as when you last met.


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