Protector in The Surrey | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Requirements:Perception and Willpower 1
You are the shield that protects your friends.
NOVICE:Your desire to protect others lends you speed. When you perform the Blockade action stunt, you can move up to 6 metres instead of 3.
EXPERT:You react quickly to put yourself in harm's way. When you perform the Guardian Angel action stunt, the amount of damage you take instead of your all is equal to the number of SP spent +2
MASTER:You become the shadow of those who would hurt others. If youare standing next to an opponent and that opponent moves within 2 metres of one of your allies, yan can move adjacent to the opponent before they finish their turn, even if it would suprass your Speed. Your speed is 0 on your next turn.


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