Mortlock Vanthampur
Mortlock Vanthampur is the youngest son of Thalamara Vanthampur, a now deceased Duke of Baldur's Gate.
Due to his large and prominent scars and his brutish appearance, Mortlock was often treated as dumb muscle by his family, roped along to help his mother's schemes as leader of the city's cult of Zariel.
In Eleasis of 1497, Mortlock was confronted by the Lost Star Detectives underneath a Vanthampur-owned bathhouse while he was acting a liason between his mother and the cult of the Dead Three. Assuring the Detectives that he had no love for his family and wouldn't be a threat, the Detectives opted to let Mortlock go, where he promptly took a ship out of the Baldurian harbor and left the city.