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The Web of Talos

The Web of Talos is the name of the decentralised collection of shrines, temples, and complexes dedicated to the worship of The Storm Lord. Many are born into the religion, and small societies exist across the Sword Coast to worship The Destroyer.    They are led by a group of High Priests, known as Stormfathers, who lead a given group of worshippers. Depending on the size of the group and settlement, there may be a group of priests below the Stormfather such as Storm-Callers and Storm-Wardens.

Tenets of Faith

Bravery above all. There is no glory in cowardice.   Strength is the path to greatness, and destruction is the path to strength.   The glory of the Storm Lord lives through your glory on the battlefield.   Fear not the Storm, for all things will end.


The ethics of the typical worshipper of the Storm Lord are simple. Might makes right, and it is the duty of every follower of Talos to gather power unto themselves until they have become a storm unto themselves. There is no requirment to disregard life, nor any expectation to forgo friends and fellowship. But many who walk the Path of Talos find these things hold them back from the depths they wish to delve.    It takes one of supreme character to become a tempest, a force of destruction the commonfolk can scarcely imagine, and retain a sense of compassion.


Priests of Talos may come from any walk of life, but their training is always the same. They serves beneath a Storm Father, gaining experience and earning favour with the Storm Lord. When they feel they have strength enough, they challange their mentor. Whomever survives such a confrentration has the rank of Stormfather.   There are few formalised rites in the Church of Talos, the only one of any importance is the Calling which takes place on Deadwinter. Priests of Talos across the Sword Coast would summon a storm over the land to wreak as much destruction as possible for an entire day. Most years they are held back to the Coast by the efforts of dragons, giants, and wizards along the Coast. But not always.   Clerics of Talos can usually be identified by their attire. Most clerics of Talos wore black robes and cloaks shot through with teardrops and jagged lines of gold and silver while high clergy wore blue-white ceremonial robes streaked with crimson. All of them wore eye patches, having sacrificed their left eye to the Lord of Storms.

Blinded by Him, We see all

Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names
Children of the Storm

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