Elmar Barthen

Owner of Barthen’s Provisions. He's expecting a delivery from Gundren Rockseeker, which the players are transporting. As the proprietor of the main trading post, Barthen plays a crucial role in the local economy. He provides supplies and goods to the townsfolk and travelers. His store is a hub for commerce and information, making him a key figure in the town.   Appearance: Elmar Barthen is typically depicted as an older human male. He has a lean build and a weathered appearance that speaks of years of hard work. His attire is likely practical and well-worn, suitable for managing a provision store. He may have features like a graying beard and deep-set eyes, giving him a knowledgeable yet approachable look.   Personality: Barthen is known to be a kind and friendly individual, with a good heart. He is well-liked in the community of Phandalin for his amiable nature. Despite his age, he is quite energetic and enthusiastic about his business and the town.   Background: Elmar Barthen is the owner of Barthen’s Provisions, the biggest trading post in Phandalin. His background is mostly in trade and provisions, and he is likely to have a wide network of contacts and a deep knowledge of the goods he deals with. His long residence in Phandalin also makes him well-acquainted with the town and its history.
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