
Goblins in the "Lost Mine of Phandelver" adventure, as in much of Dungeons & Dragons lore, are small, green-skinned humanoids known for their mischievous and often malevolent nature. They play a significant role in this adventure, particularly as adversaries for the player characters. Here's a detailed description:   Physical Appearance: Goblins are typically around 3 to 4 feet tall, with slender, wiry bodies. They have pointed ears, sharp teeth, and beady eyes, often red or yellow in color. Their skin tones range from various shades of green to sometimes yellowish or grayish hues. Goblins have quick, agile movements that make them adept at ambushing and skirmishing.   Society and Culture: Goblins are usually found in tribes and have a social structure that is often hierarchical and might be chaotic. The strongest or most cunning goblin typically rules as the chief.   They are not known for their bravery and often rely on overwhelming numbers, ambush tactics, or bullying weaker creatures. Goblins have their own crude language and tend to live in squalid conditions, often in caves, abandoned buildings, or dense forests.   Role in "Lost Mine of Phandelver":  In the adventure, goblins are the first major antagonists the players encounter. They are involved in the ambush on the Triboar Trail and are connected to the larger plot involving the Cragmaw tribe.  The goblin hideout, Cragmaw Hideout, is a key location early in the adventure where players can learn more about the goblins' plans and rescue a key NPC.   Combat and Abilities: Goblins are relatively weak when compared to well-equipped adventurers, but they can be dangerous in numbers or when using stealth and surprise.   They typically use simple weapons like scimitars and shortbows and are not heavily armored.   Goblins are cunning and can be quite resourceful, often setting traps or using hit-and-run tactics.   Personality Traits:  Goblins are often portrayed as cowardly, greedy, and not particularly intelligent, though they can be cunning in a primitive sort of way.


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