Priscilla’s Perfumes and Potables

Exotic Perfumes
  • Rare Floral Extracts: Perfumes made from flowers that are rare or possibly even magical, like nightbloom from the Feywild or frost-lilies from the icy reaches of Icewind Dale.
  • Scent of Enchantment: A perfume that, when applied, gives the wearer a temporary boost to Charisma checks or helps in soothing beastly creatures.
  Alchemical Potions
  • Healing Potions: Always in demand, these are a prime target for thieves looking to make a quick profit or adventurers in need of quick healing.
  • Potion of Invisibility: An invaluable item for anyone looking to escape detection or commit further crimes.
  • Love Potions: Brews that can cause strong infatuation—dangerous and highly sought after for both nefarious and romantic purposes.
  Essential Oils and Herbal Extracts
  • Oil of Slipperiness: This oil could be used to escape bonds or make surfaces difficult to traverse.
  • Firebreath Oil: An oil that can be thrown as a makeshift incendiary weapon or used to temporarily grant the ability to breathe fire when ingested.
  • Herbal Concentrates: Used for medicinal purposes, enhancing other potions, or as potent poisons.
  Magical Ingredients
  • Phoenix Feathers: Rare and highly magical, useful in powerful alchemical recipes or potent enchantments.
  • Dragon’s Bile: A component that could be used in potent poisons or high-grade potions of resistance.
  • Glowing Mushroom Spores: Could be used for creating light in dark potions or for growing bioluminescent fungi.
  Specialty Soaps and Cosmetics
  • Lycanthrope’s Lye: A soap rumored to alleviate the curse of lycanthropy with regular use.
  • Mirrorshine Wax: A cosmetic that makes the user's skin appear flawless, reflecting light with a subtle glow.
  • Dust of Dryness: A powder that, when applied, can keep the wearer dry and comfortable in even the most humid conditions.
  Unique Tonics and Teas
  • Elixir of Truth: A tonic that makes the drinker more inclined to speak the truth—useful for interrogations or discerning honesty in negotiations.
  • Chamomile of Calming: A tea that can soothe nerves and reduce anxiety, possibly even calming magical beasts when administered.
  Cursed or Hexed Items
  • Bottled Banshee Wail: Stealing this could unwittingly unleash a scream that temporarily deafens anyone nearby.
  • Vial of Eternal Sleep: A cursed item that could send someone into a deep slumber from which they cannot awaken without a specific antidote.


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