Redbrand Ruffians

The Redbrands were founded by a traitorous agent of the Lords' Alliance named Iarno Albrek, calling himself "Glasstaff", in the Year of the Scarlet Witch, 1491 DR. After making contact with "the Black Spider", Iarno conspired to keep the population of Phandalin away from Wave Echo Cave, and in return he would receive a share of the spoils from Nezznar's excavation of the site.   With no local lord or powerful authority within the small town, the Redbrands were able to harass the farmers and prospectors for two months. Many were afraid of standing up to the bandit group, including the closest thing Phandalin had to a local authority, Townmaster Harbin Wester. Even so, some members of the community proved too hard or too dangerous to harass, such as Sister Garaele of the Shrine of Luck and Halia Thornton of the Phandalin Miner's Exchange. At some point, the Black Spider sent a group of bugbears to join the group and assist in keeping the people of Phandalin in line.   Things eventually escalated to a breaking point when the Redbrands killed the woodcarver, Thel Dendrar, and kidnapped his wife, Mirna, and their children, Nars and Nilsa. Soon after, the group was defeated and cleared from their hideout by a group of adventurers.   Redbrand Ruffians Theme


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