Sister Garaele

A priestess of Tymora at The Shrine of Luck. She has a side quest involving a banshee, Agatha, which can provide the players with valuable information.   Appearance: Sister Garaele is a young elf woman with striking features. She has long, silver hair and clear, sharp eyes. Typically, she wears the simple garb of a cleric or acolyte, which may include robes or other modest attire appropriate to her service to the goddess Tymora, the goddess of luck and good fortune.   Personality: She is known for her dedication and earnestness. Sister Garaele is deeply committed to her faith and to helping others. She is compassionate and kind but also shows a strength and resolve, especially when it comes to matters of her faith or the wellbeing of Phandalin and its residents.   Background: Sister Garaele serves as a priestess or cleric of Tymora. Her background isn't elaborated in great detail in the module, but it's implied that she is devoted to her religious duties and to spreading the blessings of Tymora. She likely has some training in the clerical arts and is accustomed to providing spiritual guidance.   Role in Phandalin: In Phandalin, Sister Garaele serves as a spiritual leader and healer. She offers guidance and aid to those in need, whether it's through healing the sick, providing spiritual counsel, or aiding in other ways as her faith and abilities allow.   Combat Abilities: As a cleric, Sister Garaele likely has some combat abilities, particularly those granted by her divine magic. This could include healing spells, protective wards, and possibly some offensive capabilities, though her primary focus would be on healing and support.
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