Formal Dolezaan Language in The Techno-Magocracy of the Dolezar | World Anvil

Formal Dolezaan

Formal Dolezaan is not actually spoken or has any direct day to day use. Rather, this very ancient dialect from the Homeworld is used as the baseline for all computer language and for translation services. Because of how widespread the Magocracy has become and how easy and swift language mutation can occur between any two systems not linked via wormholes, computer based translation became a contest of how fast linguists could keep apace of linguistic developments between a growing myriad of languages. To ease this process, a single language was chosen to act as a bridge between the daughter languages found in each colony. This rigid language would not change unless absolutely necessary and these changes almost always have to come from the homeworld or a set of systems designated by the Central Government on the homeworld as places where additions to Formal Dolezaan were permitted to be determined and exported. This decision was made shortly after the first colonies were established outside the home system many millennia ago and has remained at its core the same every since. The language itself has only seen new words and phrases added to account for novel developments in local languages.   Translation works simply as this: the speaker's language is translated into Formal Dolezaan which itself is then translated into the chosen or local output language. It is the duty of the Tech Cult of Language to maintain the accuracy of translations from all local languages to Formal Dolezaan and ensure as few errors in the output translations occur as possible. This work is most important for data transmissions, merchants, immigrants or visitors coming from outside the Mozoroi system, as it is typical for local languages to be directly translated unless that proves difficult or is otherwise not available.


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