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Ascendants are those who individuals who possess an essence of divine power. There are three ways to become Ascendants:   1) Gifted. One of the Gods or the Avatar of a God reaches out to a worthy individual and bestows them with divine power. This has not knowingly happened in 300 years   2) Born. When an Ascendant has a child, there is a very small chance that the child will be born with the same divine power.   3) Shared. An Ascendant can can share their divine power with other individuals of their choosing. Unless they were Gifted or Born with this power, sharing the power reduces their own power.   The divine power can take many forms, and will vary from person to person, god to god. Some gifts include angelic wings, superior magic, physical strength enhancements, and enhanced endurance.   The Imperium Alliance
When a hero become recognised by the government they get invited to join The Imperium Alliance, and elite adventuring team. Once joining the Alliance, members are often given the powers of an Ascendant. Alternatively, The Imperium Alliance may track down Ascendants in order to recruit them into The Imperium Alliance Brigade.   Oracles
Oracles have the unique gift to look and see possible futures. The gift is difficult to control and the constant foresight drives Oracles to madness. Many factions adopt Oracles and keep their locations hidden and secure – having access to an Oracle is having access to possible futures.   Humans
The majority of the Ascendants are Human. Mostly this is due to the war between the Humans and the Pyreburner. But via sharing of the power, Ascendants can be any of the races.   Sharing the Gift
As an action, an Ascendant can pass on one of their gifts to another creature they are in physical contact with. Each time they do this their maximum hit points is reduced by 1d4 and can only be restored by a Wish spell.   When giving a gift, the recipient rerolls the gift. There is a 20% chance that the gift will be lost, with both parties missing out. There is a 10% chance that when the gift is given, the gifter will retain their gift as well as the recipient receiving a new gift. If either of these two variantions to the gifting occur, the maximum hit point reduction is reduced to 0.


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