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Diggy Diggy Hole


  The year is 301 PS (Post Scouring). You are playing a group of Dwarves who work for one of the Bhur Kohldur mines as a group of problem solvers. Most of the problems are dangerous, and most of the solving includes violence.   One of the deeper tunnels has been breached. The party will be responsible for clearing the breach and making sure it does not happen again.  

Character Creation

Races are limited to Hill Dwarf and Mountain Dwarf for this module.   Classes
For this particular adventure everyone will have 7 levels of Fighter. Any subclass from Roll20 will be allowed.   It would be a good idea to have at least 1 dexterity based fighter in the party, but the adventure can be completed without.   Starting Level
The starting level is 7.   Starting Equipment
Characters start with the following equipment, awarding them to the character once it has been created at level 7:
  • Starting equipment and gold as per the character class and background choices.
  • Any 2 Common Magic Items in Roll20
  • Any 2 Uncommon Magic Items in the Dungeon Master's Guide
  • Any +2 Weapon, +1 Armour, or +2 Shield.
  • 1,400 gp (can be used to buy weapons, armour, adventuring gear, and spellcasting components)
  • 1 Potion of Greater Healing


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