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Oriana Screamer Bird

Basic Information


The Oriana Screamer Bird is a large parrot that can reach up to 22 inches in length and 2.5 pounds. They have long narrow beaks, grey feathers and large clawed feet.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Oriana Screamer Bird is an omnivore, eating a range of seeds and fruits as well as scavenging dead animals.


The Oriana Screamer Bird is named after its ability to produce an extremely loud human-like scream. It is thought that this scream is used to scare away potential predators or or scare away other animals from the screamer birds' food source.

Additional Information


The Oriana Screamer Bird is considered quite unintelligent compared to other parrots and is considered to be impossible to domesticate.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Oriana Screamer Bird can be used as a low quality food source.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Oriana Screamer Bird is quite common around the hills and mountains of the Second Oriana Imperium, the Western Mountains of Oros, and the high lands of Stovia.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Oriana Screamer Bird has poor eyesight and relies heavily on its sense of smell. Its eyesight will worsen over its lifespan.
20 years
Average Weight
2 pounds
Average Length
20 inches
Geographic Distribution


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