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Robbit Hutchinson

Robbit Hutchinson (a.k.a. Bob or Rob)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

At the last time he was seen, Robbit appeared elderly but he was durable enough to take a good hit.

Special abilities

Robbit has access to a range of spells that could manipulate time and space. His most powerful ability was a beam of energy that could age a creature to a point that they would disintegrate.

Specialized Equipment

Robbit used a magical pocket watch as his spellcasting focus. He also wore his Goggles of Night all the time.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Robbit came from the future of an alternative timeline. In this timeline a group of mages called The Council of Death had summoned The Blood Lord to the material plane. From there the Blood Lord unleashed hoards of Undead and Demons on the world.   Robbit was part of The Council of Time, a group of mages that researched Chronomancy. The council believed that the world could not be saved and that someone had to be sent back to eliminate The Council of Death before they became mages. Robbit was the one chosen to be sent back, and after a 24 hour ritual was sent back in time 12 years. From there he hunted down and killed the 12 members of the Council of Death. He was then arrested and thrown into prison.   After 10 years in prison Robbit was part of a successful prison break. From there he boarded a ship with other prisoners and sailed east. Eventually they came to an island was covered in magic corruption. They soon found out the island was the remains of an ancient giant civilisation that had a temple that blocked the Blood Lord. There was also the rumor that the island was the remains of an ancient dead god.   Robbit and the other prisoners freed the island from the curse. However, Robbit both died and found out that he was in a permanent time loop orchestrated by The Thread Weaver and haunted by a shapeshifter that had turned on the prisoners while they were on the island.


Robbit once belonged to a group called 'The Council of Time', a group of very well trained wizards trained in chronomancy.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Robbit killed the 12 members of the Council of Death, preventing The Blood Lord from entering the material plane. He was also part of a group that cured an island of corruption.

Failures & Embarrassments

Robbit was trapped in a time loop by The Thread Weaver.

Intellectual Characteristics

Robbit is incredibly intelligent and he like everyone to know this. He likes to keep what he knows secret as he thinks people are trying to steal his knowldge, but he can't help to brag and monologue about his brilliant ideas and expansive knowledge.

Personality Characteristics


Robbit believes that he is destined to save the world, and nothing will get in his way to achieve this goal.


Religious Views

While he engages with The Timekeeper, The Thread Weaver, and other deities, Robbit does not specifically worship them.


Robbit shares his accent with other Rabbit Folk (equivalent of the Australian accent of the real world).
Chaotic Neutral
Current Status
Caught in a time loop
Unknown (Elderly)
Date of Birth
Light Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White Fur
110 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm the master of time and space!"
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, and Primordial.

Character Portrait image: by Hero Forge


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