Aboriginal Gods

The Aboriginal gods are a race of superhumanly powerful humanoid beings who have been worshiped by the Australian Aboriginal peoples from approximately 8,000 BC into modern times. Most of the Aboriginal gods dwell in Alchera, a realm bordering the "Dream Dimension" of the demon Nightmare within the Dreamtime, the collective unconsciousness of all sentient beings in the universe. The Aboriginal gods are called different names by their human worshipers; for example, the god of creation Baiame is know as "Bunjil" by the Kulin, the "Minawara" by the Nambutji, "Karora" by the Gurra, and "Wuragag" by the Gunwinggu. Unlike many of their counterparts in other Earth-based pantheons, the Aboriginal gods are still actively invoked and worshiped on Earth by a handful of remote Aboriginal tribal groups.