
Kokochin seems to everyone to be a very calm, peaceful person who can see both sides of an argument and generally likes everyone. She will seem complacent, even lazy to some. Kokochin presents this image to the world, but just under the surface there's constant, mild agitation. If anyone upsets her peace of mind, she can lash out with anger and aggression to squash this bad influence quickly, to get back to the sense of well-being, however manufactured. Kokochin can be very stubborn, not willing to change any part of a system that keeps her calm inside. But, adapts to any change very quickly.   Having had an average education, Kokochin sees herself as equal to those with no education and those with a lot of education. The knowledge base she picked up in school may help her conform to more diverse situations and may help her resolve conflicts between others. At work, Kokochin is calming, empathetic and reliable. She can bring people together and resolve conflicts but tends to put aside her own needs to go along with the team. She’s attracted to jobs where she can work independently away from stress.   Kokochin has a smooth, calm, unassuming charm. Easily goes along with whatever is happening around her but able to stand up when it becomes disturbing. She may go along with criminal behavior to keep things calm, but when it's time to do something she knows she can't handle, she will get away or lash out at whoever got her into this situation at an inopportune time, usually making things worse.   Kokochin can be accommodating and complacent in a relationship. Other characters feel accepted and loved as is and feel calm around her peacefulness, but may become irritated because she doesn't take life seriously. She fears separation from others due to conflicts. She usually tunes out whenever tough issues are brought up

Physical Description

Body Features

Straight body type and very skinny

Apparel & Accessories

Traditional Tenger

Mental characteristics



Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Horseback riding


Family Ties

Niece of Mogul of the Mystic Mountain

Hobbies & Pets

Several horses
Socioeconomic status
Chaotic Neutral