
Madam Lylian Sigurðardóttir

Lylian has a great potential for leadership. She is next to be in charge, but is held back. She is people oriented, wants to avoid too much conflict, but has an inner desire to take over and do things the right way. Still, there's a fear inside that she doesn't have all the answers and/or enough power and followers to do the job. This personality type makes the perfect prince or princess who isn't sure she can be ruler, but definitely has it in her. Yet she is no wimp, willing to be proactive and forceful for what she perceives to be right. Lylian will not allow herself to be on the losing end of any game, showing great courage and leadership under stress. She expects others to stand up for themselves. She may become combative to get her way, creating adversarial relationships along the way.   Having had a lot of education may give Lylian a condescending calmness about what’s right and what’s correct. She may also be involved in more esoteric interests which appear to her to be more important than other interests. At work, Lylian is concerned with right and wrong. She can be catty and judgmental with coworkers. She will also usually stand up against authority for those she feels have been wrongs. She’s attracted to jobs that she feels betters the world.   Lylian is a perfectionist, so she speaks proper English in all situations, no matter the situation. She knows what's right and will offer the opinion but, because of the social sub-type, will offer it in a way that will protect the other characters' feelings a little. "That's a nice tie. Hey, try this one." "Isn't that the street we wanted?" "You've got a beautiful smile. Maybe you should use it more." Still, this is a type that stands firmly on her beliefs and, if pushed, will throw away all decorum to make things right. "That's not how to do it." "I know I'm right. Why should I have to compromise?"   Lylian can be high-minded and moral in a relationship, feeling it's up to her to get others to do what's right. Other characters are attracted to her dependability, but eventually feel that she's too critical of herself and others.
Socioeconomic status
Merchant Class / New blood
Dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation