
The Srosian race are largely troglobites, though they can and do travel to the outside world. Long ago, their people dwelled in the forests south-west of the Srosian mountains but there was turmoil amongst their own people. Differing ideas caused them to split and later war. The NAME portion was pushed against the mountains where they discovered caves. This refuge allowed for survival and then flourishing. Even after the fighting ended, the Srosians never left the safety of their caves. They dug themselves deeper and deeper until it was forgotten what life outside was.   Based on records, or lack of records, it is believed that these ancient Srosians had a higher tolerance to top world conditions or no problems whatsoever. Modern Srosians have a lack of melanin that leaves them vulnerable to ultraviolet rays. Thousands of years underground have evolved them the ability to utilize very dim light. They also have high-quality senses of smell and hearing. Srosians are naturally metaturnal (having eyes that can adapt to both low level and bright day levels of illumination) but most never use this ability. Those required to leave the cave systems (soldiers, fishermen, loggers, etc) must undergo training or be injured. They have large corneas compared to other species to let in as much light as possible.

Basic Information


Mithril’s wings are nearly as tall as she is, with the primary feathers touching the ground as she walks. Her total wingspan is over twelve feet. Her feathers are white and the patterns on the “outside” of the wings are light silver (note - these patterns are akin to barn owl feathers) Her left-wing serves as little more than decoration as it was broken at the base when she was a child. It healed crooked with scaring where it was nearly torn out. Mithril has been disabled for all of her life and has never flown.   Sros feet are very leathery and have four toes with a rounded talon for toenails. The same curved nail is on their hands as well. Srosians have no body hair other than their head; instead, the hair is replaced with fine feathers. These are thick around the ankles, wrists, and forehead. Mithril plucks these to blend into foreign cultures, as well as filing her nails.

Genetics and Reproduction

Females can reproduce at 40 y. Males at 50.   Women are more sexually dominant. They go into heat every six months and have their periods after.   The gestation period lasts for 7 months. One child is born, at only a few pounds.

Growth Rate & Stages

A female is sexually mature at 40. 50 for male   75 means fully an adult, regardless of gender   A Sros can fully fly at 20

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Owls are able to fly so silently for a combination of reasons, says Scott Weidensaul, an owl expert and contributing editor at Audubon. Owl feathers have a leading edge shaped like a comb and a trailing edge with a fringe; these funnel air smoothly over the wing and dampen the sound. An owl’s enormous wings, relative to its body size, also provide greater lift and enable it to fly slowly—as few as two miles per hour. “They’re buoyant in flight and moth-like,” Weidensaul says, further enhancing their ability to sneak up on small mammals.   Great hearing.   Eyesight can see in dark and have very sensitive eyes that allow them to have color vision even at nighttime.   Have natural immunities to magic   High pitched vocal range
Conservation Status