Kal'br Toad Species in The Tenrashé Records | World Anvil

Kal'br Toad

Basic Information


The kal'br toad ranges from 24-40 in (60.96-101.6 cm) in length and can weigh 20 lbs (4.53 kg). It has four legs and the pads of it's four toes small and round. Its skeletal structure consists chiefly of bony and cartilaginous elements. The back of the kal'br toad has pustules on it that are filled with sulphur. It evolved with defense mechanism by living in the Sulphurous Gorge. The males have green patterns on their faces and the females have yellow. They have large yellow eyes and soft yellow underbellies. The color of its skin and the pustules on its back is an adaptation that it developed to filter the sulphur out of its body and survive in the gorge.  


The female kal'br is a bright yellow with small green speckles on its body. The females have the larger pustules on their backs and they actually produce bubbles of sulphur that can be seen floating around them. They are slightly smaller in size than the male kal'brs.


The male kal'br is a dark, mossy green with yellow and red speckles on its body. The males have small pustules, but more of them along their backs. They are much larger than the females of their species, but this makes them much slower as well, they are easier prey.

Genetics and Reproduction

Kal'br reach maturity at 4 years of age and breed yearly. The male kal'br will wrap its forlegs around the female from behind in a clamp called the amplexus. They will swim together and the female will lay her eggs. The female will lay a long tube of jelly-like substance. There are two strings with countless eggs in each one. They are lain on vegetation within the sulphurous waters in the gorge. As she lays them, the male will fertilize them.

Average Intelligence

They have a long memory and capable brains. They can remember patterns and complete mazes. They are smarter than other amphibians.

Perception and Senses

The kal'br toad is capable of seeing in pitch darkness. Where a person would be unable to see anything, this toad can still see color as if it were day. They have the most superior vision ever discovered. This allows them to navigate the cave systems of the sulphurous gorge and find dark puddles to wade in.
The kids like to sit by the water side and pop the bubbles off their backs, but none of them realize that, were they not Caluran, these bubbles could very well kill them. I will collect a few for journaling purposes, but also for schools in Wyhndhratahs, as the students' scientific and general curiosities could benefit from these creatures, I think.
— Palraena Kal'br

Additional Info

Growth Stages

Egg Stage
The adult female will lay her eggs in the sulphurous waters. The tadpoles will hatch in about one month and will become full toads in about 120 days.  
Tadpole Stage
Tadpoles hatch after about one month.the tadpoles are a vibrant yellow color, allowing them to blend in with the waters. They have, at this time, developed gills and a mouth to breath and eat, so they can survive on their own, but are stuck to the waters. They will, at first, eat their egg yolk, but will move on the the water's vegetation when it is gone.   There are typically a large number of tadpoles in the water, as the female lays hundreds of eggs. Tadpoles are extremely vulnerable, and many are eaten by predators.  
Froglet and Adult Toads
At the froglet stage, the kal'br has grown legs to walk on land and lungs to breathe air. The tail begins to shrink, but froglets still have a tail. Froglets are small and face more dangers than the tadpoles, as they are not just confined to the water.   When the tail is compltely gone, the toad enters adulthood. As adults, kal'brs are more likely to venture away from water, and they spend most of their time on land. They are carnivorous and eat insects and shell-less molluscs.
Geographic Distribution
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