Umbran Myth in The Tenrashé Records | World Anvil



Mera is said to have brought her children to Tenrashé to save the world. She, in fact, sacrificed them to aid the peoples of the planet. She came down on an Umbran, which is a large bird that seems to be made of rainbows. On the back of this majestic beast, she brought her children and they landed in Merat. It is here that they spread throughout the world and have kept Skür at bay. Were it not for her tears blessing her children with her viancy, Saeric viancy, the world would have succumbed to Huum'scura long ago.   It is said that, so long as a rainbow is seen in the sky, Mera is flying overhead and watching her children, ensuring their safety.

Historical Basis

The sacrifice that was made for the world was actually made by Rel'Dathar Inktram, a Saeri from a previous itteration of the world who, in order to save the world from the Sküric forces of Huum'scura, performed the Yawning Sun, banishing all Sküric viancy from the world... the cost of this, however, was the destruction of nearly all life.   Mera is merely a version of Rel'Dathar that was brought into mythology by Gi Loka, The Emissary, head of Merat and predecessor to Inktram.


This myth is believed most strongly by the Merata and the Mertasheen, though the Rocheii believe that there is some truth to it. This is no shock, as these are the three peoples that are touched by Saeric viancy and are thus the most effected by this myth.   No other countries or peoples of Tenrashé believe this myth, though it does no harm and has created no fanatics, so it goes largely unchallenged, save for Drethka, which vehemently denies the myth and has made it illegal to discuss within its borders.


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