Fhokki Ethnicity in The Terrable | World Anvil
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The Fhokki people are a category of northern tribes, first mentioned as such by Renárian authors and later consolidated, codified and geographically extended during the heydays of the Alamaran Empire. They are also associated with Fhokki language, which originated and dispersed among them, and are one of several criteria used to define Fhokki ethnicity. Fhokki is also used for people that originated, from somewhere North East of the Eldau River, near Lake Jorakk in the Wolda Woods.   The Fhokki can be roughly divided into five clans. There is a lot of intermarriage between the tribes and most Fhokki have relatives in multiple clans.   The Dornic - The largest and most powerful tribe of the Fhokki. Living along the Eldau River and at the southern coast of Lake Jorakk. They are specialized fishermen, traders and shipwrights.   The Wauel - The Wauel originate from the eastern parts of the Wolda Woods. They tend to live in cleared parts of the forest where they practice their agriculture. Often described as the most peace-loving of all the Fhokki. Contrary to the other Fhokki the Wauel value altruism, mysticism, honesty, joy and nonviolence. The Wauel have picked up a lot of words from their the Eastern Deji trade partners. This makes their dialect hard to understand for other Fhokki.   The Roths - Living deep in the Wolda Woods the Roths are a more isolated clan than the Wauel or Dornic. They tend to be less hospitable and more protective of their traditions. They are specialized hunters, skinners, foresters, lumberjacks, woodworkers and carpenters.   The Otursoyinger - A tiny and mysterious clan living on the Otursoyar islands somewhere in Lake Jorakk   The Skræling - The most Northern of all tribes. Living on the perpetual sea ice and Northern shores of Lake Jorakk they have mastered the hunt for sea animals in these though environment. Despite the harsh conditions they live under they have an entirely self-sufficient economy. They are still feared for their raids after a long history of raiding the rest of Nostgard. Because of this violent history with the Southern clans, they are often not really considered to be Fhokki. They are sometimes seen as Northern Deji.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Bodil, Frida, Estrid, Hilda, Gudrun, Gunhild, Helga, Inga, Liv, Signe, Sigrid, Revna, Sif, Tove, Thyra, Thurid, Yrsa, Ulfhild

Masculine names

Åge, Arne, Birger, Bjørn, Erik, Frode, Flóki, Harald, Jón, Jánūsh, Leif, Ólafur, Rune, Ragnar, Suneðar, Svend, Troels, Torsten, Vilgerðar

Family names

Fhokki last names are patronymic. The last name does not indicate the historic family lineage. A person's last name indicates the first name of their father (patronymic) in the genitive, followed by -son.   Notable exceptions exists:   When the father is unknown the child is named after their mother followed by -dóttir ("daughter").   Great leaders are named after the group they lead with the suffix -rix. For example Ragnar Skrærix was named Skrærix: Leader of the Skræling.   The Otursoyinger have only one last name: Dóttirsson.


Funerary and Memorial customs

During a Fhokki funeral the deceased is cremated together with some of his or her most important possessions he could use in the after life. This should at least be a domestic animal or slave, a favorite weapon and a ship. The animal or slave is ritually sacrificed with the favorite weapon and placed on the ship together with the body. The ship is then carefully torched and set out to drift at Lake Jorakk If the deceased doesn't posses the necessary effects a (metaphorical) stand-ins for any of the aspects of the ritual is usual.

Historical figures

Diverged ethnicities
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