The Guilds' Gist

The Terrable is a means aimed to help creating a substitute for an experience we ourselves have never lived through. An experience of which the substance itself is mana. The Guilds' Gist is a scroll with text seemingly from another time and place. Yet it is told the text comes closest to capturing to the quintessence of Mana.   The Gist of it holds the intangleble essence of life. Like baking a perfect loaf of bread. You start with basic ingredients: flour, water, yeast—elements that seem ordinary. But as you knead the dough, a transformation begins. The yeast breathes life into it, causing it to rise, subtly shaping the loaf. Yet, no matter how carefully you follow the recipe, there's a mysterious moment when the bread takes on a life of its own. It's no longer just dough—it becomes something living, whole. The Gist is this undefinable, living quality that emerges when everything aligns naturally.   The Guilds' Gist is codified letter that's supposed to hold the recipe to The Gist of it. The Guilds kept the letter safe for centuries without having the means to decode it. They believed the letter to hold the recipe to The Gist.       See Solzhenitsyn's Gist  
Item type
Book / Document