Dwarven Bow
My back was already breaking from being hunched over in the tunnels - it was fine for the Dungeoneers, with them being dwarves, but I had to hunch the entire time. Then the scout came creeping back up the corridor, and I knew I was going to have to get prepared to fight in this miserable state.
Well, Glod listened to the scout for a minute, and then signaled for archers. I looked at him like he was crazy, because he was - no way could I draw my longbow in here. I'd be lucky to be able to find the room to string it. He waved me off - wasn't even talking to me.
Four of 'em came up from the back, squeezing past to forma front rank. They each had a circle of what looked like horn on their belts - I'd noticed them on the way, and had wondered what they were. Turns out, they were the dwarves version of a bow, and just like the dwarves, they were short but incredibly powerful.
I watched as one of 'em took a bow string, pulled the circle apart opposite the handle that had been attached to his belt, and hooked it on. He then pulled the two ends around, completely inverting the circle, and hooked the string on the other tip. Strung, it was only about 20 inches tall, and already under a lot of strain. They each knocked an arrow, and stood ready.
A group of goblins came into view, and all four of them drew and fired, and again. The six goblins were all down before they even had time to realize what had happened, and the archers started to argue over which of them didn't get two kills.