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Free Peoples Alliance


The Free People's Alliance manifesto was written as a call to arms to fight against the expansion of the Solbarran Empire. The Empire had long been confined to a large region in the center of Helion, covering most of what is currently known as Conseptia. After centuries of peaceful coexistence with surrounding nations, the Solbarran Empire began a war of conquest against the small Nelwyn nation of Olalohi . The Nelwyn fell in days, with few survivors. As the armies continued to march and gobble up territory, the other powers on Helion mostly ignored them. It was only when they began to threaten one of the great powers that a true resistance was formed.

When it became apparent that the city of Carilae was directly in the path of the Solbarran army, the people of Carilon began to seek help. Having pursued their own wars of conquest in the past, the Carilons were not trusted and no other nations were willing to ally with them. The Free People's Alliance manifesto was a direct response to that - the Carilon government, with the help of their state church of Kolero, created the Free People's Alliance to attempt to rally individuals to the fight while obscuring their involvement.

Document Structure


Each clause is separated by a header summing up the purpose of the particular clause. The way the document was written resulted in some definite tone changes in sections. Some scholars have claimed to have determined which clauses were written by which authors, but most of these claims are contradictory. What is known is that there was some disagreement among the authors, leading to the tone changes between the clauses. It is unknown why these were not reconciled before publishing, but an inability of the group to agree is generally agreed on.

Legal status

The FPA manifesto would be considered illegal by any of the nations of Helion at the time, although there were never codified laws against it. The idea of a call to people to abandon their nations to join an unconstrained international force would never have been considered prior to the manifesto, but no ruler would accept it in their kingdom. Thanks to spreading faster than the rulers could react, the document was read by or to many people without consequence. Although a couple of nations attempted to crack down on its spread, they could not contain it. This led to most of the nations joining to maintain control of their people.

Historical Details


The Free People's Alliance manifesto was the combined work of four authors, two Human, one Nelwyn, and one Orc. It was written as an attempt to work around lack of trust between the various powers of Helion to bring together an army capable of defeating the Solbarrans. By ignoring the governments and appealing directly to people, the Alliance was able to gain strength as governments began to recognize they were losing people to this army and understanding that the army could be turned on them in the end. This led to most of the nations actively joining the alliance, allowing them to retain control of their own citizens participation.


Prior to the beginning of the Solbarran War, the various nations of Helion were in a nearly continual state of war with each other. Large-scale battles were rare, as most had no desire to take and control territory, but small skirmishes along borders were a daily occurrence. Raids were common, including raids by the various nations into Solbarran territory.

The assault on Olalohi changed the state of the world, as the Solbarrans suddenly did take and hold territory. Most nations continued squabbling, while those closer began to fear the Solbarran army.

Public Reaction

The manifesto was widely derided by diplomats and nobles in the various kingdoms, but it struck a chord with wide swathes of the common people and quickly spread. Some were inspired by the ideals behind it, of freedom from tyranny and protecting each other. Some were pragmatic, recognizing the real threat of the Solbarran Empire expanding. Some were bloodthirsty, and saw an opportunity to engage in war with a hated other, and many of those considered goblinoids in general different enough to be killed without remorse.


The legacy of the manifesto is decidedly mixed, with opinions ranging from it was responsible for saving society to it was responsible for bringing on the Shattering. While the document calls for simply pushing back the Empire, several parts of it seem to condone the complete elimination of the Empire and possibly goblinoids in general. In the end, most goblinoids were erased from the hemisphere. While goblins were far too numerous and scattered to be killed off, the Hobgoblins and Bugbears were not nearly as numerous and fell back to the capital as the war turned against them. The Hobgoblins and Bugbears were all killed or scattered, and by the current age no native-born Hobgoblins or Bugbears exist in the hemisphere.
Statement, Political (Manifesto)
Authoring Date
Festiva 3, 74 Be.

Cover image: by Chance Rose


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